balancing bound angle

dandayamna baddha konasana


Balancing bound angle opens the hips, strengthens the upper body and improves balance, concentration and focus.

 From a seated position bring the bottoms of the feet together in towards the hips with the knees bent out to the sides.

 Interlace the fingers around the toes, use the arms to drop the shoulders down and back and to press the chest forward. Inhale and slowly lean back to lift the feet and inch or two off of the floor.

Slowly lift the feet up to the level of the heart.

Press the bottoms of the feet together and kick the feet into the arms, pull the feet towards the chest, and press the chest towards the feet.

Stare at the big toes for balance.

Breathe and hold for 2-6 breaths.

To release: slowly exhale the feet back to the floor and release the arms.